May 26, 2014

Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

Recently finished reading the book – Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill. Here is a quick review.

Book talks about the secrets to success (be it financial or otherwise). The author had studied some of the world’s wealthiest people over a 20 year period, and has brought out the secret formula that has worked for them in attaining financial success. Though the secret is drawn based on financial success, the same is said to be the secret to attaining any form of success, as confirmed by some of author’s world-renowned subjects.

The formula is covered through multiple steps, replete with real life examples and instances – book also includes reference to Mahatma Gandhi’s ability to influence 200 million people towards a single purpose. Such parts make for interesting read.

Now, coming to what exactly is the success formula as brought out in the book – here are few that I could connect with –
  1. Have a written down definite goal, this should say what you want to achieve, by what time frame you want to achieve and how you plan to achieve this. You have to develop a burning desire/ obsession to achieve your goal. Build a definite plan to achieve your goal and persistently follow-through with each step in the plan until the goal is achieved.
  2. Imagine yourself as being successful – visualize yourself as the person you want to become
  3. Form a master mind group – this should be your trusted group of friends/ally with whom you’d harmoniously work together, be of mutual benefit to each other, for attaining definite purpose.
  4. Knowledge is not power all by itself. Its about our ability to organize it and use it in achieving a definite goal.
  5. Build your character through traits of people you admire.
  6. Stop worrying ‘bout what others might say / give away the fear of criticism

And there are some more in the book.

A wonderful poem that he references & reiterates –
“If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but think you can't It's almost a cinch you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost, For out in the world we find Success being with a fellow's will; It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are: You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can.”
― Walter D. Wintle
He also talks ‘bout few other aspects such as the major attributes of leadership and the major causes of failure of the same – here is the list for quick glance –
  • Attributes of leadership - Unwavering Courage, Self-control, a keen sense of justice, definiteness of decision, habit of doing more than paid for, pleasing personality, sympathy and understanding, mastery of detail, willingness to assume full responsibility, cooperation
  • Leadership failures - Inability to organize details, unwillingness to render humble service, expectation of pay for what they know, than what they do with what they know, fear of competition from followers, lack of imagination, selfishness, intemperance, disloyalty, emphasis of authority and title.

Overall makes a fairly good read – for anyone who is still to be as much organized/focused as he advises to be :-). 
Happy reading if you happen to read.